Current Projects
Ongoing trauma research areas include whole blood, Hemorrhagic shock, TBI, breathing and airway management, and prehospital injuries.
Cold-Stored Platelet Early Intervention in Hemorrhagic Shock Trial (CriSP-HS)
CriSP-HS is a study that will compare giving early cold-stored platelets to usual care in people that have injuries that are causing a lot of blood loss. To read more about this study, click here.
Cold-Stored Platelet Early Intervention in Traumatic Brain Injury Trial (CriSP-TBI)
CriSP-TBI is a study that will compare giving cold-stored platelets earlier in the course of treatment to usual care in people that have traumatic brain injuries. To read more about this study, click here.
Trauma, Brain Injury, and Emergency Medical Systems (Task Order One)
The inaugural project for the LITES network is an observational study seeking to understand better how traumatic injuries are treated in the U.S. This includes regional variation in the severity and types of injury, how injuries are treated, and what the survival and recovery rates are.
Shock, Whole blood, and Assessment of TBI (SWAT)
SWAT is an observational study about hemorrhagic shock. It is comparing two types of blood resuscitation (whole and component). This project will also look at how these two types of blood resuscitation compare in people with traumatic brain injury.
Prehospital Airway Control Trial (PACT)
PACT is a study of airway management It compares two ways to manage airways in trauma patients. To read more about this study, click here.
Type O Whole Blood and Assessment of Age During Prehospital Resuscitation Trial (TOWAR)
TOWAR is a research study that will look at whether giving whole blood transfusion early in the course of treatment would help severely injured patients that lose a lot of blood survive their injuries. To read more about this study, click here.
Prehospital Analgesia INtervention Trial (PAIN)
Prehospital Analgesia INtervention Trial, or simply PAIN, is a research study that is being done to compare giving fentanyl or ketamine through an IV for pain management in patients with traumatic injuries who need treatment for pain before they arrive at the hospital. To read more about this study, click here.
CAlcium and VAsopressin Following Injury Early Resuscitation Trial (CAVALIER)
The CAlcium and VAsopressin following Injury Early Resuscitation trial, or simply CAVALIER, is a research study that will look at whether giving calcium, vasopressin, or both early in the course of treatment would help severely injured patients that lose a lot of blood survive their injuries. To read more about this study, click here.